evolutionary art
This project experimented with generating art using genetic algorithms. Each pixel on the canvas stores three values for RGB. The fitness score of each pixel is determined by it's similarity to it's neighbours. Each pixel breeds with the neighbour with the highest fitness score, splicing their RGB values.
Two operators are made use of, mutation and average. Mutation changes one of the RGB values to a random one. Average, as you might guess, returns the average of the two parent genes. The average operator proved really useful here by allowing for colours to blend.
I completed this project for my dissertation and even successfully had it published as a short paper through CGVC, which you can view here (unfortunately it has been paywalled, so you can view it for free here instead). You can also find my full dissertation paper within the git repo linked to the side, if you fancy a more extensive reading.
In this project I experimented with using co-evolutionary algorithms for simulating a very basic version of wildlife, that could evolve to adapt to their environment and as a reaction to one another. The whole thing was coded in C++ using only the ncurses text library and running out of a unix terminal.
mohawk man
This is the first game I ever made. It is a 'Lunar Lander' clone I created for a university assignment in Java. Sticking within the assigned restrictions I tried to make something with a cheesy 'B Movie' feel to put an interesting (if you could call it that) twist on the very basic game. The main character is Mohawk Man, a hero of his planet, destined to impress Godzilla with his jetpack skills and save the world. There isn't that much to this one really but it holds a special place with me.